Student Info and Lesson Notes Student Lesson Notes & Info Student Lesson Notes & Info Complete one form per student/lesson. Your Email * AlexTaylor@littleschoolofmusic.comArmandoWood@LittleSchoolofMusic.comBriannaMarra@LittleSchoolofMusic.comElenaChao@LittleSchoolofMusic.comFrankBrowne@Litt Teacher Covering * AlexTaylor@littleschoolofmusic.comArmandoWood@LittleSchoolofMusic.comBriannaMarra@LittleSchoolofMusic.comElenaChao@LittleSchoolofMusic.comFrankBrowne@LittleSchoolofMusic.comJeanDeMart@LittleSchoolofMusic.comJoshuaCastillo@littleschoolofmusic.comJustinHaase@LittleSchoolo Lesson Date * Select the day of the missed lesson, or the first day if out for multiple weeks. If this is a transfer student, select the first day the student would be with the new teacher. Student Name * Student Name First First Last Last Student Age * Month/Years Studying Music * LSM Achievement Level * Apprentice IApprentice IIIntermediate I-IIIntermediate III-IVAdvanced I-IIAdvanced III-IVCollege Prep Lesson Type * IN PERSON LessonZOOM LessonIN PERSON Semi-PrivateZOOM Semi-PrivateRECORDED Lesson Instrument(s) * Piano Guitar Ukulele Bass Banjo Voice Drums Mallet Percussion Hand Percussion Flute Clarinet Saxophone Violin Cello Trumpet Other Select all the instruments the student is studying in this lesson. Student’s Personality * Outgoing / Energetic Solitary / Reserved Friendly / Compassionate Critical / Rational Inventive / Curious Consistent / Cautious Efficient / Organized Irresponsible / Careless Sensitive / Nervous Resilient / Confident Other (comment in the notes at the end) Select all that apply. Student’s Learning Styles * Visual (seeing/reading) Auditory (hearing) Tactile (touching) Kinesthetic (moving) Select all that apply. Learning Techniques * Describe specific learning techniques that work with the student. Google Student Folder Link (if available) If you have a Google Shared Folder with the student set up with the lesson notes, music, and other lesson materials, copy and paste the link here. Notes from Past Assignments * If you do not have a Google Student Folder link to share, provide a COMPLETE list of books, music, and other materials the student is currently working from (include specific levels, page numbers, and titles). Include notes about what was covered and what expectations were set for each piece. If a link was provided, type “see link”. Specific Areas NOT to Cover * Include any specific areas you would NOT like the teacher to cover in the lesson. Incentive & Achievement Programs * Provide info on any upcoming Musical Ladder System achievement test dates, Practice Challenge goals, or other incentive programs you currently have in progress with the student. (sticker charts, etc.) General Lesson Plan / Structure * Outline the general weekly lesson plan or lesson structure that the student is used to. Files Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 20.97MB If you do not have a Google Student Folder link to share, please upload 1 file (compressed “.ZIP” file) that includes any sheet music, book pages, backup tracks the teacher needs for the lesson. (This is especially important for virtual lessons.) Title the file you are uploading with the Student Name and Lesson Date. Example: Jane_Smith_07.14.2021 Additional Notes / Comments Please include anything else that would be helpful for the teacher to know. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.