What is Integrity
Integrity is when you do the right thing even when no one is looking. To have integrity you need to do what you believe is right and follow your values. If you have integrity it means you always act in alignment with your values not just when you think someone is expecting you to do something good.
How to Practice Integrity
One way to practice integrity is to think about your intentions or why you choose to do something and how you go about doing it. It is important that you engage in something because it’s the right thing to do not to avoid getting in trouble.
Having integrity makes you a better musician because it can help you build personal responsibility and awareness. Following directions and being courteous to your parents if they remind you to practice, and to your teacher when they make corrections to help you learn, are examples of having integrity. Appropriate concert etiquette such as remaining quiet during your performance and applauding when the time is right is another way to be aware supportive and show integrity.
It is important to have integrity because having integrity makes you a more trustworthy person because you’re being honest with your values. Happy healthy relationships happen between people who trust each other and if you have great integrity that will happen naturally.
This week ask yourself what is something you believe is right to do and how often you really do it. Talk to your teachers about it next week.
The Little School of Music Leadership Program introduces monthly principles to enhance the life lessons, leadership skills, and character development experienced in music education. This is at the core of our program as we use music and learning to play an instrument as the tool. Each month a short introductory video on the monthly leadership principle will be shared with parents, students, and teachers to watch at home. We encourage students to extend what they learn to other parts of their life including at school, at home, and especially among their peers.