Concluding Lessons Form Please complete and submit the form below if you are planning to conclude your lessons. If you have any questions, please contact the LSM from desk: 661-222-2239 Concluding Lessons Form Concluding Lessons Form Please complete the form below. Contact Information Student Name * Student Name First First Last Last Parent Name * Parent Name First First Last Last Parent Email * Teacher Email * AlexTaylor@littleschoolofmusic.comArmandoWood@LittleSchoolofMusic.comBriannaMarra@LittleSchoolofMusic.comElenaChao@LittleSchoolofMusic.comFrankBrowne@Li Concluding Lesson Details Date of Last Lesson Attending * Reason for Concluding Lessons * Other Comments CONCLUDING LESSONS POLICY – If a student needs to conclude their lessons for any reason, a minimum of 1 (one) full calendar month notice before the 1st of the month must be given by completing the Little School of Music Concluding Lessons Form. The official notification will be time-stamped according to the form submission date and time, and not by any other means of communication. Students will be removed from the schedule and will need to re-enroll if returning to lessons at a future date. * I have read and understand the policy. Signature * signature keyboard Clear Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.