2023-2024 was jam-packed. Check out the highlights here!
Welcome New Staff Members!
- Rich Brown (piano, jazz piano) – 1 year
- Steve Poloni (guitar, ukulele, music technology, music production & recording) – 1 year
- Alex Taylor (voice, saxophone, piano)
- Sophia Hokanson (voice)
Group Music Classes
41 hours of free group music classes were offered in the fall of 2023! These included classes in Music Technology, Music Production & Recording, Songwriting, Improvisation, Bucket Drumming, RCM Preparations, and Early Childhood Music.

Flashback Recording Session
On Saturday, October 21st, the LSM Rock Band “Flashback” recorded music with guest producer, Joe Day. A very special thank you to Joe and Director Frank. You can check out the recording on Soundcloud: Flashback
Community Partnerships
Ekata – After-school Music Program
Little School of Music just completed a 6-week music class offered through the after-school program of our friends at Ekata. Students played a variety of instruments including drums, hand percussion, recorders, and singing, and learned the “Skeleton Dance”. Special thanks to Miss Mindy and Matt Fullove for planning and teaching these classes!
SAFE Streets are for Everyone – Concert in the park
The Little School of Music Rock Bands played for a community fundraiser event through the Streets Are for Everyone Organization on Sunday, October 29th at West Creek Park. Special thank you to the bands “Spotlight”, “Crazy Crew”, and “Flashback”, the parents, and Director Frank Browne for their participation and for representing Little School of Music! This is a perfect example of giving back to your community.
5th Annual Castaic Lake Dragon Boat Festival
On June 1, 2024 Little School of Music Rock Band “Crazy Crew” is performing for the 5th Annual Castaic Lake Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon boat racing originates from age-old rituals from southern China. A global phenomenon, this event highlights the fusion of 2000 years of heritage and athleticism.
WASC Accreditation 3-Year Self-Study Completed
Little School of Music is fully Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The required 3-year self-study was completed as required for continued WASC accreditation.
The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC), a world-renowned accrediting association and one of the six regional accrediting agencies in the United States, works closely with the Office of Overseas Schools under the U.S. Department of State.
Teacher Training
Little School of Music offers a proprietary music teacher training program developed by Little School of Music and EdTechTeacher that incorporates UDL, technology, and the latest innovations in music education. Lesson plans, curriculum, and pedagogy are included.
Little School of Music hosted a Back to School 3-day Teacher Session as well as a 1-week (36-hours) full teacher training course for our current teachers in collaboration with EdTechTeacher. Teachers explored UDL, lesson planning, and classroom and music tech tools.
EdTechTeacher instructors are all experienced classroom teachers and district leaders with in-depth knowledge of what really works in schools. From research-based edtech integration to organizational leadership, we are your trusted partner in sustainable improvement in teaching and learning.

Pocock Brewing Co. Show & “Flashback” Album Release
On Friday, January 26th the LSM Rock Bands took the stage performing at the Pocock Brewing Co. Barrel Room. We had a packed room and live stream on Instagram for people who couldn’t come in person. It was a lot of fun and a night to remember!

WorldStrides Heritage Festival in Anaheim, CA
On Saturday, March 16th the Little School of Music Rock Bands “Flashback” and “Crazy Crew” performed at the WorldStrides Heritage Festival in Anaheim, CA. 40 music ensembles from 24 different schools traveling from 7 US States (including Hawaii, Florida, and Alaska), and 2 Canadian provinces participated in the festival over two days and two locations. Both Little School of Music bands received GOLD Awards, the highest ranking you can achieve based on a national standard of excellence. The plaques are on display in the lobby of the school.
In addition, lead singers (and high school seniors) Ashbi Rivera and Arun Ghoshal both received the very prestigious “Maestro Award” for their outstanding individual performance! These are awarded by the Adjudicators to individuals who have shown exceptional talent and leadership, and who far exceed performance expectations. Only 10 were awarded for the entire festival.
Little School of Music Rock Bands Bring Home Gold – Read the full LSM Post Here
Little School of Music Students Come Back with Big Achievements – Read the Signal Article Here
School Recitals
4 school recitals were hosted in fall, winter, spring, and summer. Total we had 353 participants ranging in instrumentation from piano, violin, voice, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, harp, trumpet, flute, ukulele, drums, student collaborations, original compositions, and bands performing.

Rockschool Exams
Since 2022, Little School of Music has offered the Rockschool Program from RSL as a contemporary curriculum and graded music exam option for students.
Rockschool music qualifications are tailor-made for the contemporary musician. Ranging from introductory grades to advanced levels of study, RSL Awards’ graded music exams ensure hard work is rewarded. For over 30 years we have been producing materials to help people learn musical instruments and assess their progress.
Congratulations to all of the 2023-2024 participants!
RCM Exams
Little School of Music has been a founding school and assessment center for the Royal Conservatory of Music since 2012. We hosted exams in early June 2023, and December 2023, and have additional exams coming up this June 2024. Little School of Music had 45 student exams this year with 29 earning First Class Honors and 31 earning First Class Honors with Distinction.
Congratulations to Prabhtej Singh for earning the Flute Level 5 State Gold Medal and on his performance at the prestigious Festival of Excellence Honors Recital at the USC Alfred Newman Recital Hall. Thank you to Harry Christiansen (Little School of Music student), for his collaborative piano contribution!
The Royal Conservatory is one of the largest and most respected music education institutions in the world. For more than 130 years, The Royal Conservatory has translated the latest thinking about creativity into inspiring programs benefiting millions of individuals around the world. Our mission – to develop human potential – is based on the conviction that the arts are humanity’s greatest means to achieve personal growth and social cohesion.
Congratulations to all of the 2023-2024 participants!
Little School of Music Achievement Promotions!
This year there were 97 Little School of Music Achievement Level promotions, as well as 589 Ladder Level Promotions! Congratulations to all of our students who dedicated themselves and worked hard to hit their goals!
Professional Partnerships
Little School of Music Instructors are members of national professional music organizations such as the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC), the California Association of Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT), and the Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC).
National Federation of Music Clubs
This year, Little School of Music hosted 10 NFMC events throughout the year including recitals, festivals, competitions, and celebrations.
NFMC is the largest nonprofit organization in America promoting and supporting American music, performers, and music education. As a grassroots organization working in communities throughout America, we provide musical opportunities for all ages: professional and amateur musicians, benefactors, volunteers, music lovers, music teachers, music students, and supportive parents.
MTNA – Little School of Music Instructors are members of national professional music organizations such as the Music Teachers’ National Association.
MTNA membership delivers peer connections, ongoing education, and invaluable resources. For well over a century, MTNA has been the backbone for a collaborative community of music-teaching professionals, connecting both the seasoned educator and those at the beginning of their career.
CAPMT is the California State Branch of MTNA. Studio Director, Mindy Cabral, is currently serving as the District 9 Director on the CAMPT State Board. The CAMPT Piano Festival for both Santa Clarita and Pasadena Districts were held at Little School of Music in November 2023.
MTAC Hosted Events
Little School of Music and MTAC continue their partnership by hosting eight music events including the Romantic Festival, Contemporary Festival and MTAC SCV Branch Recitals. Little School of Music Master Instructor, Jean DeMart, is currently serving as the MTAC SCV Branch President.
Congratulations to Harry Christiansen (Winner) and Erica Chan (Honorable Mention) for their participation and recognition in the Romantic Festival. Miss Jean said, “The level of competition was particularly high this year!”
Southern California Junior Bach Festival
Little School of Music hosted the Southern California Junior Bach Festival on March 10, 2024. Winners were advanced to the Regional Festival which took place in Thousand Oaks, CA on May 18, 2024. Among the Honors were Little School of Music students Harry Christiansen and Caiyou Peng. Congratulations to you both on your exceptional performance.
Five Bands Rock Pocock
Little School of Music Rock Bands performed at Pocock Brewing Company on Friday, June 21st. This marks the debut of Mango Seeds (Directed by Steve Poloni) and The Jukebox Kids (Directed by Matt Fullove). Saturn, Crazy Crew, and Flashback (Directed by Frank Browne) also performed celebrating the release their first EP album including an original song by Charles Graves! Check out our school Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and X) for more photos and videos!

Thank you to Joe Day for producing the albums! Thank you to Rich Brown for hosting the live stream on Instagram. Special thank you to our Music Directors Steve Poloni, Matt Fullove, and Frank Browne for their continued inspiration and dedication to teaching these talented young musicians and bands.

Summer Recital Success
Congratulations to our Summer Recital Participants! We had a total of 6 recitals over the weekend of June 15th-16th. A variety of musical styles were showcased by our young musicians who performed a mix of instruments; piano, guitar, harp, drums, trumpet, voice, and violin. Thank you to our Recital Hosts!

Looking for More?
Subscribe to our School Newsletter for monthly updates on school activities and events. Photos, videos, and stories are also posted on our social media accounts: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and X.